Gue mengenal Omegle still dari Kaskus. gue sering nemu orang2 bikin trit ttg omegle di the Lounge dan karena gue penasaran, gue pun coba main di sana. yah akhirnya gue punya banyak temen dari luar negeri. ada yg dari Irlandia,dari Bulgaria,Amerika,Inggris dan ada juga yang dari Brasil tapi gue lebih sering ketemu orang dari India. Udah hampir lebih dari 5 kali gue sering chattingan sama orang India.
Tapi gue paling kesel banget kalo di omegle, kadang2 orangnya ga bener.. kayak mau ngajakin berhubungan intim-lah atau bilang hal2 porno-lah.. Biasanya ucapan itu bakalan keluar paling sering kalau kita online di siang hari dan pas banget kita lagi di Indonesia ini karena tiap negara waktunya berbeda-beda. Tapi kalo kita online di malam hari ya jarang. Biasanya orang2 yang main omegle itu nyari pacar. sering banget deh gue nemu kenalan yg cewek terus setelah gue bilang gue ini cewek, langsung di offline.
Hari ini gue habis chattingan dengan orang india lagi di omegle.. Nah langsung cek saja obrolan gue dengannya
Stranger : si orang India
You : Gue
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl plz
You: 17 f indo
Stranger: 22 m india
You: nice
Stranger: your name
You: rena
Stranger: nice name
You: and u ?
Stranger: you have fb
You: yes i have
You: why ?
Stranger: may you tell
Stranger: just as
You: find it
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i find you
You: ok
Stranger: i send you request
You: your facebook is Asim Khan. Right ?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: you got it
You: yes
Stranger: what do you do
You: just downloading instrumental song
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i mean to say
Stranger: study
Stranger: or job
You: study
Stranger: i too
Stranger: doing MBA
You: ??
You: -_-
You: You're married...
Stranger: no
Stranger: dear
You: oh
You: i wan to ask something but dont angry ok
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ask
You: why indian male looks old ? i mean i often find too many boy from india and they are 18 years old or 20 years old but they look are look like a man with his age 30 or 35 years old
Stranger: i dont know
You: oh..
You: -_-
Stranger: i think it is atmoshphere
Stranger: or envoirment
You: hmm
Stranger: i too
Stranger: look old
You: yes you look old.. my friend said when she saw one of my friend from india from Facebook
You: and she said
You: "Is that really 17 ?"
You: but i said yes
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: actually
Stranger: it is hot atmoshphere here
Stranger: they grow more
You: okok
Stranger: nice to chat you
You: nice to chatting with you too
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: in indinasia
Stranger: where do you live
You: indonesia
Stranger: what about your family
You: my family ?
Stranger: ye s
You: i have a great parents.. but sometimes they are make me angry
Stranger: oh
You: and hbu ?
Stranger: i too have decent parents
Stranger: and three bro
Stranger: and 1 sis
You: i have one younger brother and 1 stepsister
Stranger: many person from indonasia
Stranger: come
Stranger: here
Stranger: in jamat
You: indonesia not indonasia :)
Stranger: i have lear
Stranger: some key word
Stranger: from them
Stranger: just as
Stranger: aps khabar
You: apa kabar ?
You: ya saya baik
You: good !
You: i like it
Stranger: you are muslim
You: yes i am muslim
You: and you ?
Stranger: i too
Stranger: assalamualekum
You: great
You: wallaikumsalam warahmatulahi wabbarakatu :D (WWW)
Stranger: nice to meet you
You: ME too
Stranger: what about your country
You: yah my country
You: it is full of problem
You: like corruption
You: disaster
You: demonstrate
You: and many more
Stranger: ahh
Stranger: its same to my country
Stranger: many corrupted leaders are running my country
You: me too !! Example in my country
You: his name is gayus Tambunan
You: he was in jail
You: but he often go out from jail and go to another country
You: like Malaysia,
You: China,
You: and Thailand
You: ukh..
Stranger: ohh
You: and our National Football team has been interverted with one of political party
You: and everybody knows the leader of Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) is corruptor
You: and he is still want to be a leader..
You: weird right ?
Stranger: ohh very sad
You: yes me and everybody sad and angry with him
You: because that interverted.. Our national team lose their concentrate when AFF Final and Lose from Malaysia
You: so.. tell me again about india
Stranger: india
Stranger: is
Stranger: good country but it is is entangle in wrong hand
Stranger: but thank
Stranger: god
Stranger: in india
Stranger: sport are free from politics
You: ah i like that
You: i hope Nurdin Halid (The leader of Indonesian Football Association) would be choosen as a leader again..
You: i mean didnt choosen again
You: because everybody hates him
Stranger: who choose them
Stranger: leaders
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: ok
Stranger: nice to chat
Stranger: you
Stranger: we
Stranger: will met next time
You: ok.
Stranger: because i have to go
You: yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Stranger: ok
Stranger: bye bye
You: see you again
Stranger: see you later
Stranger: ok
Stranger: allhahafiz
Stranger: bye bye takecare
You: you too
You: take care your self
You: bye
Stranger: bye
Sampai2 gue curhat mengenai keadaan negeri tercinta ini yang bener2 amburadul, Ternyata India pun juga mengalami hal serupa tapi mereka beruntung olahraga ga di intervensi ama parpol. WOY TURUN LO NURDIN..
Nah jika kamu pengen nambah teman, kamu bisa maen ke omegle dan punya banyak temen baru
1 コメント:
Halo Anna
Kamu suka main Omegle juga ya?^^
Boleh dong sharing sedikit tentang serunya main di omegle?^^
bisa minta email kamu ga?
Makasi ya.
Aku lagi penelitian seputar omegle dan pengguna nya^^
tolong dibantu ya.
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